11 definitions by YouKnowWhoTheFuckThisIs***

Glyce Mitchell is one of the nicest people you will ever meet and is insane at school. He also has a unique voice which is still pretty cool.
Glyce Mitchell got a 300 on his NWEA test. He got a 1600 SAT and a 4.0 GPA and he will still very nice about it.
by YouKnowWhoTheFuckThisIs*** January 2, 2022
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Ari Silvers is a insanely good fencer who is also the brother of the famous Facebook, Instagram, and Fencing star Noah Silvers. He also cracks hilarious jokes.
Ari Silvers stop DESTROYING people at fencing! It's embarrassing!
by YouKnowWhoTheFuckThisIs*** September 26, 2021
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Doing a Kanye is to think something is the total opposite of what is actually is.
He decided to wear $500 yeezy’s and was doing a Kanye because he thought he was a genius.
by YouKnowWhoTheFuckThisIs*** September 5, 2021
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Breezily Baldsily is a kid who drag clicks in ANTIAC but won’t ever show how he really looks cause he knows that it will reveal that he’s really BALD like Caillou.
Breezily Baldsily better reveal how he looks sometime cause he’s sus of being Caillou.
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He’s just that kid who’s so fucking good at hockey.
Oh Martin Salomon....
Yah that kids could fucking destroy kill you with his hockey stick if he really wanted too
by YouKnowWhoTheFuckThisIs*** September 10, 2020
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A school in Chicago’s south side which still can’t get the temperature right and has a really good jazz band.
Teacher: Do you know Kenwood Academy High School?
Student: Yah that’s where R Kelly went
Teacher: Sadly yep
by YouKnowWhoTheFuckThisIs*** January 5, 2021
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Mehdi who has a truly amazing story of triumph in his life and is a extraordinarily kind person who knows a lot of information about a wide range of topics.
Kid: Have you heard of the life story of Mehdi MrinI?
Other Kid: No
Kid: It’s a amazing story of kindness and triumph.
by YouKnowWhoTheFuckThisIs*** January 2, 2022
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