3 definitions by Yeah, that's my name

To sum up a guy named seven they all are cheaters every single one i don’t care if they say they didn’t or what ever the case may be they for sure did. Seven is an nonchalant, selfish person who deserves to be thrown into a burning fire they deserve death at the least. They will take your love for granted and use it to their advantage. They will manipulate you into thinking they were there for you or cared for you when none of that was shown. Don’t waste your time on a seven they will hurt you and make you never want to love again. They also have horrible memory you will say they said something that hurt you and they will act like they don’t know what you’re talking about. They’re just dumb or act like it but me personally I think they’re just plan out dumb. And PLEASE don’t wait on a seven you can wait for 2 years and he will never change. They are not attractive people whatsoever they are the most annoying, ugly, dreadful people to ever meet. Their style consists of dirty black jeans and a wrinkly add white hoodie that looks like shit. Their personality consists of nonchalant, uncomfortable, weird vibes you will never get a good vide from a seven cause they’re all trash. Overall sevens should die and REALLY need a Reality check.
Person 1:I think I’ll get back with seven
Perosn 2: nahh he will hurt you
Person 1: you’re right. FUCK SEVEN.
by Yeah, that's my name August 2, 2022
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A pice of clothing of which you wear on your torso. A shirt can be made out of any kind of material really, for example cotton, wool, twill, linen, poplin etc.
Person 1 : “ughh I have nothing to cover my torso with!!!”
Person 2: “Did you try a shirt?”
Person 1: “You mean those things made of fabric that you can wear on your torso?!”
Person 2: “well… yeah.”
person 1: “Wow what a smart idea thank you!”
Person 2: “yeah no problem.”
by Yeah, that's my name November 11, 2022
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A boy craving for too much attention. Pick me boys will usually be the most annoying guys ever, because they will say random things at the most random times. Some pick me boys are adorable depending on how pick me they act. its best not to get a pick me boy especially if you're a vulnerable person, some of them only want to be with you for the attention, but if you like to be constantly asked multiple random questions for no reason at all, get you a pick me boy.
#1boy: " bro im ugly af"

#2Girl/boy: " no your not"

#1boy: " yes i am"

This is what you call pick me boy energy.
by Yeah, that's my name June 21, 2021
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