1 definition by Yankeee

A metropolitan area in southeast lower Michigan consisting of working class suburbs that are located ' down the river ' from the city of Detroit. Population consists of middle to below income households of all races, but mostly white with a predominant Muslim community in Dearborn. Some of the early housing in the Downriver communities were quickly and cheaply built to house the influx of southerners who moved there to work in the once thriving auto industry of Detroit. Because of this Michigan is sometimes referred to as "The Mississippi of the North". For the record there is nobody famous 'from Detroit'. Bob Seger, Kid Rock, Eminem, ICP , Madonna and Alice Cooper are not from Detroit, but the SUBURBS that surround it. Crap floats right..and always downriver! *the 'burbs North of Detroit are always a lil' uppity because of that *
Kids who are trying too hard to have street cred will say they are from Detroit rather then admit they live Downriver.
by Yankeee June 16, 2007
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