3 definitions by YEETImRussian420

An alternative spelling of monkey, which is pronounced exactly the same. Often used online as an endearing comparison to humans.
by YEETImRussian420 April 29, 2021
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Latvia is a part of the Baltic States. It has a border with Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Russia, and some other countries. It has alot of borders. And despite what some people might tell you, Latvia isn't actually that good of a place. I live here, and the people are not that nice. Sure, you'll find some nice people here and there, but most of the public are depressed because of the gigantic taxes the government puts on everything. The land is nice, cool beaches, good restaurants, lots of forests. But you do NOT want to start a business here. The government is a literal trainwreck of selfish assholes who tax the fuck out of anyone and pay minimum wage to most people, they put themselves before their entire country and make shitty decisions that drive the people to insanity, and if you start a business here you will barely be able to afford a regular run to the grocery store. And why is it a part of NATO? They have no place here.
The only people that like this place are tourists and nasionalists. People might not agree with me, but I have lived here my whole life and have seen the true nature of people around these parts and how miserable they are.
Guy 1: Bro, I just bought a ticket to Latvia!
Guy 2: Nice, let's go there!
by YEETImRussian420 September 22, 2020
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A cookie is a type of snack food, usually small, circular and flat. Cookies are made from dough, water, eggs and sugar. However, cookies can also contain extra ingredients such as raisins, chocolate chips, oats etc.

Guy 1: Man, these chocolate chip cookies are great!
Guy 2: Thanks man! I made then with my mother's recipe!
by YEETImRussian420 May 14, 2020
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