2 definitions by Xilaphon237

Is a former Navy Commander and later an American Politician who fought in the 2nd World War and after doing his research as he had claimed (I’m not confirming it denying) that the United States was under the Jewish influence in and he was discharged for his political views which Replicated the ideals of National Socialism and formed the American Nazi Party ANP and lead his life making speeches at collages and spreading the ideals, he was eventually assassinated in August 25, 1967 by a Former member while leaving a laundromat in Arlington, Virginia was shot by John Patler and was pronounced dead in scene.
Guy: “George Rockwell was Evil”
Other Based Gentlemen: “I call Bullshit
by Xilaphon237 March 2, 2021
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The German word for “Comrade” in which in a sense is a brotherhood in arms and is looked upon as a symbol of respect for one another.
Hans: Kameraden, was ist das?
Herckel: Das ist nicht gut.
by Xilaphon237 March 2, 2021
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