1 definition by X-11

An "Electricnaz" is a type of internet troll. It was a term first coined on football (soccer) forums. As its sport related, its mainly used in the United Kingdom and dates back as far as 2005.

The Nazis were the leading political party who believed that there is a single perfect race and that anyone who did not belong to this race was sub-human and treated as such.

It is believed that "Electricnaz" is a derivation of "Electric Nazi" (also referred to as E-Nazi), dropping the "I" from Nazi to avoid word filters that do not allow the word Nazi to be used.
"Don't bother replying to the 'Electricnaz', he's just another troll and just wants attention."

"I see the 'Electricnaz' has been posting again!"
by X-11 April 23, 2012
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