4 definitions by Wylievoyager

Someone just sitting around and not engaged in productivity.

A very smart person not thinking.
That yameater needs to get his/her ass back in gear and finish designing this project before Jim rips our heads off.
by Wylievoyager December 16, 2021
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Somebody who is just sitting around doing nothing.
Being a bum which is out of their norm
Tell that Tick Dicker to quit playing pocket pool and help us frame this wall.
by Wylievoyager December 16, 2021
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A person who is learning how to do a job. A student. Someone new to an occupation. A slang name: very respectful compliment or salutation. Usually used as a way of calling out to someone, complimenting someone in a conversation or during an event.
For example: A guy is putting something together in the classroom. "Hey Fishlips, recheck your instructions, I think you are missing a step."

"Hey all you Fishlips pay attention I have a new directive"

Hey Fishlips, will you tell me who I can help at the church?"
by Wylievoyager December 16, 2021
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A freak who goes around smelling womens bicycle seats, especially after being ridden.
That really hot chick just rode up to the ice cream stand and Mike is whiffle sniffing her bicycle seat. What a freak!!!!
by Wylievoyager December 16, 2021
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