4 definitions by Wrim

Airsofters who spend more time at home working on their gear/weapons than playing on the field. Basically everyone.

Also a moniker for a person with a bad reputation who spend all their time on airsoft forums claiming they know everything.
"The best thing about airsoft is browsing the Internet for new gear and weapons. It's called Chairsofting!"


"Are you coming to the game on Sunday?"
"No my gun's broken, I'll just stay home and chairsoft."


"That wise-ass, he think he knows everything. He's such a fucking Chairsofter."
by Wrim June 29, 2014
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Short for the movie "Things to do in Denver when you're dead."
- bbl, I'm gonna watch ttdidwyd.
by Wrim October 14, 2006
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When a lesbian hoofs a Zebra and then the Zebra might or might not piss in the soup
You get a Norway Taco.
Origin: DJO's Wafer Joints youtube video.
"When a lesbian hoofs a Zebra, tonight..."
"The Zebra piss in the soup right?"

"Oh jesus, heh, fuck"
"You're confused!"
"What you got is a Norway Taco."
by Wrim May 6, 2016
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Nickname for whoever performs the art of dancing in front of a web-cam with his genitalia dressed in a sock.

Vag-sock has yet to be seen.
"Did you see Travis last night? he invented the cock-sock tradition on BlogTV!" "Yea, he's such a cocksocker."
by Wrim July 20, 2009
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