2 definitions by Wordsmithed

A supertext is a cultural or historical work that has fundamental meaning to the society and culture to which it is associated. Because of that a supertext remains relevant over a long period of time. Homer’s Illiad and the Odyssey; the works of Plato, Confucius, and Shakespeare; the Veda, the Talmud, the Q’ran, the New Testament, are all supertexts. A text has to exist for at least five hundred years to classify as a supertext.
The complete works of Shakespeare is a supertext that has lasted for hundreds of years and is still enjoyed by audiences today.
by Wordsmithed December 12, 2021
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Xenocide is 'killing the other', for example when a person targets Jews in a synagogue, or Gays in a gay bar.

It comes from the Greek word 'xeno' which means foreigner, and the Latin ending '-cide' to mean to kill, as in suicide.

Jus as the word xenophobia means the fear of outsiders, xenocide is the killing of people deemed to be outsiders.
The active shooter committed xenocide when he went to the mosque to purposefully kill Muslims
by Wordsmithed August 9, 2019
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