2 definitions by WolfPatronus

A sympathy comment for really bad videos on youtube. If there's a poorly done video that's been up for a while with no likes and no comments, some people will copy & paste "I love this video, it's so cute and sweet" just to make the video's creator feel better.
Video Maker: "Hey, look, someone finally commented on my video!"

Comment: I love this video, it's so cute and sweet

Friend: "Uh...dude, that video must be really lame..."
by WolfPatronus May 14, 2011
Get the I love this video, it's so cute and sweet mug.
A horse that is very well trained and calm, that isn't easily spooked. Term originated for Military horses who must be "bomb-proof" so they don't spook at the sound of a bomb/gun/etc.

Children's riding ponies often must be bomb-proof because kids tend to run and jump and make loud noises--all things that might scare an ordinary horse and cause him to hurt somebody.
My old mare Goldie was a bomb-proof horse-- We could drive the tractor right past her and she wouldn't even flinch!
by WolfPatronus August 26, 2011
Get the Bomb-proof horse mug.