32 definitions by Wolf89

1.) Any black handgun, preferably a compact model.

2.)('s) Goverment suits, usually FBI, ATF or DEA Also "blackbirds on the wire" Means a phone line is tapped.

3.) Somone who acts happy in public but is an emotional wreck in private. Somone who dosn't advertise their depression.

1.)Guy1: You ready for this job?
Guy2: Yeah no sweat, I got my blackbird with me.

2.) Oh shit man, bail out! We got a couple of blackbirds on our ass!
b.) Guy1: Hey man, is this a good time to talk?
Guy2: I don't think so, I hear some blackbirds on the wire.

3.) Girl: I've been real fucking worried about sarah since her mom died.
Guy: she seems to have gotten over it.
Girl: yeah right, have you been to her house lately? She's a total blackbird.
by Wolf89 July 2, 2006
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Somone who is really depressed but hides it. They paint themselves with a cheery mask and pretend everything is ok, but its all a lie.
She acts happy, but really shes a sad clown.
by Wolf89 July 2, 2006
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An ancient alcoholic beverage made by fermenting water and honey. When only water honey and yeast is used, then it's mead, and can be sweet(sack mead), Dry, still or sparkling. Mead that is aged for an extended period of time(more than a year) is commonly called Great Mead(and it is)

If grape juice is added before fermentation, it's called Pyment.

If other fruit juices or puree's (such as strawberries or blueberries) it's called Melomel.

If malts, grains and/or hops are added to a mixture of mostly honey and water, it's called Braggot.

If apple juice is added before fermentation, it's Cyser.

If herbs or spices are added it's Metheglin.

Mead predates all known forms of alcohol. Originally it was made with honey, water and wild yeasts, but nowadays it's usually made with cultured yeast strains.

The term honeymoon comes from the practice of drinking mead for the first month after a marriage.
I've got two batches of homebrewed mead ready.
by Wolf89 July 18, 2008
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1.) A sawn off shotgun.

2.) Somone who can insult somone elese very effectivly.

3.) The act of grinding your teeth against your partners genitals while performing oral sex.
1.) Bust a pig wit my saw mouth mossburg.

2.) It's hard to argue with Pauly, he's a saw mouth.

3.) " I was eatin krista, then I gave her the saw mouth, that got her screaming."
by Wolf89 January 30, 2006
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A five letter word/sound/palindrome that expresses every emotion imaginable all at once. It can be used to express pain, pleasure, fear, happiness, sadness.. Anything. Usually used as a single sound. It can also be used as an expletive similar to the word fuck.
Hey guess what! I got a new dog! EEMEE!
by Wolf89 September 10, 2008
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The intense, searing chest pains, similar to a regular heart attack, but caused by indigestion.

Also, any time someone exhibits the full symptoms of a heart attack, such as chest pains, severe gas, sweating, headache, nausea, dizziness or numbness in the arms, while not actually having a heart attack.
My mother went to the hospital Friday with chest pains. She's ok though, turned out it was just a Mexican Heart Attack.
by Wolf89 July 18, 2008
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The subaru BRAT. (Bi-drive Recreational All-terrain Transporter) Possibly the toughest Jap. pickup truck next to the Toyota Tacoma. More like a light truck or el camino. Sold in america from 1978 to 1987. It had a 1.8L Flat four engine and 4x4 drivetrain. Apparently pretty popular in australia. It is a predecessor of the Subaru Baja
An old subaru Brat equipped with a lifted suspension, front brush guard, Heavy duty tires, and a roof rack, you have the perfect vehicle for offroading
by Wolf89 August 30, 2006
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