83 definitions by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter

Of the elves or having to do with elves, the fairytale creature. Usually not used when referring to short Santa's elves.
I know a girl who has elven pointy ears.
An elven lifespan is very long.
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The second most common outcome of Rhode Island's Keno Plus. With Keno Plus you pay twice as much for the chance of getting up to 10x the winnings. If you get No Plus, you only get 1x the winnings, or viewed alternatively, 0x the extra winnings.
I played 15 games with a $10 wager per game using with the Plus, but got No Plus on 10 games.
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A technological measure to prevent you, the consumer, from enjoying content that you paid for because it's from another country. Virtually all DVD players have this built in, as well as video game consoles. In the USA , it is illegal to modify a device in such a way as to defeat the region lock. This evil invention allows hated countries (that is countries with a race that is not preferred) to get movies and games last while Aryan countries get them first, and it makes the authentic legitimate original less valuable because of the restrictions put on it.
The fact that there is a region lock on my game console reinforces my stereotype that the U.S.A. is nowhere near a free country.

A region lock is a hate crime on a chip.
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In a May-December relationship, a way to describe the younger partner, especially when the younger partner looks like it hasn't passed puberty yet. May be a warning that a statutory rape could happen.
52 year old Schizo Woman:I just got a boyfriend, he's kinda young.
Rosanne:How young? Is he milk money young?
52 year old Schizo Woman:He's 14.
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1. Another word for The Man. Gets you busted for possession of marijuana, copying DVDs, and other "crimes". Never ever in a Gogolplexian years does the prosecution do a good thing for yourself.

2. What you'll be on the receiving end of if you screw up.
1. In Heaven the prosecution is spiritually incapable of winning ever.
2. Violators subject to prosecution.
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A communist ruler of Cuba who has been around before analog music synthesizers, pushbutton keypads on telephones, cassette players, VHS VCRs, laserdiscs, 8 track tapes, electronic ignition in automobiles, Disc Film and 110 cartridge cameras, integrated circuit DIP packages, 8 inch floppy discs, the John Lennon assasination, the Richard Nixon debacle, VFD pocket calculators, and quite possibly the Big Bang.
Although I don't like what Fidel Castro stands for, I wish I had his inability to die.

Fidel Castro won't need cryogenic body storage when he dies, that is, if he dies before the Sun goes into red-dwarf stage.
by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter November 19, 2007
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1. An electronic device that is overkill or is grossly over-engineered for a given task. An example is a 200 megahertz oscilloscope on your $8,000 CD transport to view sound waves that are four orders of magnitude less clear.

2. Any expensive device bought to "improve" the performance of a system (not just a sound system), when only a small percentage of the potential of the added on device will be used.
They now have a "gaming" network card with a K-shaped heatsink on it, which is about as pointless as a high-fidelity oscilloscope.

So you bought a blu-ray recording deck to get crisp copies off your VHS tapes you taped off of UHF rabbit ears?? You might as well as bought a high fidelity oscilloscope to draw a graph of how often the furnace switches on.

Bob Dylan spent $2,000 on a new Karoke machine with the ribbon microphone,electrostatic speaker, and Akai open-reel deck, but I personally think he wasted his money on a high fidelity oscilloscope.

RiceBoy:My $250 Yugo has remote-start, DVD video system with navigation, and premium high-octane fuel in the tank, as well as an exhaust tailpipe big enough to fit an LP record album in sideways. MuscleCarMan:(sarcastic tone)You should put in a high-fidelity oscilloscope in next!
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