2 definitions by Witty asshole name # 4

Acronym for World of Warcraft, a popular MMORPG that many would say is for people, "With no lives", when actually, those people are wasting their time writing about how much it sucks on video game websites, or some stupid website consisting of definitions of things such as the "Lawlocaust", or a "butt dial". (luckily no such website is yet known to man.) So it is quite ironic that they can pass judgment on a video game where you DO interact with some people, when they participate in websites where you interact with none.
"WoW pwns ur m0m so h4rd, she c0uldn't w4lk f0r 8 d4ys!"
by Witty asshole name # 4 August 29, 2007
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when you rub ice on your dick before you masturbate.
"Nick was feeling particularly lonely last night, so he was found icing the head."
by Witty asshole name # 4 August 29, 2007
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