1 definition by Wise_man_truth_speaking

Destroyer of Chile. World’s only marxist/communist elected president chosen with just 33% of the vote. Concerted Plan Z to use his personal trained militia to take over the military and rule the country like Cuba forever in his own terms. Even invited Fidel Castro over for months. Plan backfired when Augusto Pinochet kicked him out just 9 days before his plot on a second coup attempt given the misery in the country under his reign. International communists will always deny the Plan Z and talk about “how nice” Allende was and how Pinochet was sort of a monster and didn’t care about human rights. Bullshit. He was awfully news and so was Stalin Fidel Castro Che Guevara any communist leader that hoped to enslave it’s people for personal wealth.
Do you wanna break some shit? Let’s invite that Salvador Allende I heard he destroyed another country. There were no Augusto Pinochets around to help it.a
by Wise_man_truth_speaking June 12, 2021
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