6 definitions by WileyN14

Someone who is being a prick while playing pokemon
Luke: Jake is really being a prickemon today.
Mat: yeah, he has been quite a prick today.
Jake: sup noobs, i kicked your asses.
Luke: Jake just admit it already, you are being a prickemon.
Jake: WTF
by WileyN14 November 3, 2016
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A game in which primal males throw weighted sticks at a target and whomever lands the stick farthest from the target wins, the trick is one still has to aim at the target. This game originated in 1942.
Nazi: Hitler let's play some shluterhagen Plex!

Hitler: I gotta turn off the gas first my dude, cant let the bill go through the roof again.

Nazi: Oh yeah, I have to work on my boner length throwing any ways.

Hitler: Yeah man how are you expecting to make it pro with that horrible form.

Nazi: Meh fuhrer plez luv meh senpai!?
by WileyN14 July 30, 2017
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A murmuring mumble to someone.
Cat: Hey Billy, you want to play catch the knife.
Billy: 'mermbleing'.
Cat: sorry Billy, but I cant hear you over your crippling depression.
Billy: I said FUCK YOU.
Cat: Well... I would like too, but i just don't care enough to.
by WileyN14 November 3, 2016
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That look you give friends, or peers when you are high and you don't even know if you are in reality or some dream land.
Teacher: Greg!
Greg: yeah miss teacher lady.
Teacher: Don't give me that high look, you are in school.
Greg: what is school.
Teacher: Put me out of my misery already.
Greg: I am misery, but what is that?
by WileyN14 November 3, 2016
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A persons house who looks extremely nerdy, and has a lot of electronic cords.
Mat: Rick is quite the nordhouse.
Mable: I know, his house is nerdier than people who still watch those rejected 1950's shows.
Rick: what does nordhouse mean, and btw I'm not a nerd... I am a geek.
Mat: Ok there boss, sure you are
by WileyN14 November 3, 2016
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Used as a term to call your loved one your leader, or in a calling someone you know dominant. Or some other shit that is extremely fucked up.
Shelly: Brock...
Brock: Yes Shelly.
Shelly: Will you be my Fuhrer.
Brock: ...
Shelly: what Brock, you don't feel dominant.
Brock: I'm jewish Shelly...
Shelly: Come on Brock, take a joke already.
Brock: Hitler worshiping satanistic fuck!
Shelly: We're breaking up... And btw I hate your parents and you, and your dog you lock in your basement.
by WileyN14 November 3, 2016
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