6 definitions by What a pseudonym??

A even smaller version of the McMansions, smaller than a McHouse. Ugly houses you find on Zillow that were literally built like, yesterday, and are tiny with like 1 bedroom.
Lots of McShacks in South Dallas.
by What a pseudonym?? May 11, 2020
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When you put your dinger in a beehive and the bees sting it and you get a stinger in your dinger and it hurts so bad
you got a stinger in your dinger? cool!
by What a pseudonym?? September 28, 2019
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Dougy wougy ougy wee
Dougy haha
by What a pseudonym?? October 6, 2019
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Another name for South Dallas, called so because of the "Monkeys" that inhabit the area. It could also be called a jungle because it is essentially survival of the fittest down there.
did you see that crackhead in the Dallas Jungle?
by What a pseudonym?? November 17, 2019
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