2 definitions by We_Talkin_Bout_PRACTICE

A word instagram users use to describe themselves to make them feel famous and more important when no one really know who they are or care, usually the type of people that call themselves foodies and post pictures of their avocado and toast cause they can't really do anything else interesting, usually also post their last holiday asking someone to #takemeback
*example Instgram bio*

John Doe, Blogger, Foodie, Traveller, Influencer

Guy A: So you're an influencer eh, tell me how many peoples lives you've changed by posting a picture of your breakfast
by We_Talkin_Bout_PRACTICE August 4, 2018
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The drink of choice for every young to middle aged basic white girl
Guy A: I want some alcohol
Girl B: Let's get prosecco
Guy A: I think I'll stick with beer
by We_Talkin_Bout_PRACTICE June 7, 2017
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