3 definitions by Walmart Jesus

When a bunch of store employees stand in a circle and masturbate onto the floor then call maintenance to clean up the spill.
I heard Jeff complaining how the mop smelled like semen after cleaning the dirty walmart off the floor in the women's apparel department.
by Walmart Jesus September 22, 2015
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when three or more people sit on each others laps and evacuate their bowels at the same time.
One, Jesus this line for the ladies room sure is long.
Two, it sure is, if it takes any longer we could just go to the lobby and make a Mexican totem pole.
by Walmart Jesus August 3, 2015
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Something you would call a child that is retarded and acts like a crazy animal.
"calm the fuck down Scalelyy !"
by Walmart Jesus October 3, 2017
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