94 definitions by Vita Smart

a pagan name for a month. more of that old catholic vomit. it's coming back up every year. some people swallowed it and it came back anyway.
"Oh, look. It' august again."
"Man, shut yo dumb ass up!"
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022
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a white man who has no idea who just did that to him
Man 1: "Ida slapter except I didn't know who she is and I'm still trying to find her azz."
Man 2: "Well honey, you actually don't like her enough to slap her, so why don't you just slap me?"
Man 1: "I'd love to!"
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022
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the white man who slapped her and now he's lying about it by calling himself ida slapter
"Ida slapter except I did slap her and that's why I'm in prison doing time to think about that."
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022
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spit that is there one minute and gone the next, a mist until you keep conjuring it up ALL OVER AGAIN


"ida slapter finally dried up"
"That's cool. Pass the chips."
"Here ya go."
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022
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one of those cherry picking Bible thumping fake christians who wants the Word of GOD to say what they wanted it to say and not what it ACTUALLY SAYS
"ida slapter except she thinks she's right and I secretly hope she gets AIDS. That's why I don't say anything. Let him get his ass run up."
by Vita Smart August 21, 2022
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something that Black men made up, gave it to white people, and white people worship it as their own god
"I already gave you everything."
"Naw, man, you're holding out on me. There's got to be something more than this!"
"Nope. You got all of it."
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022
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a natural waste melting in the hot sun
a snowman in hell
a wasteland
no good
"My snow bunny died. No one is sad about it."
by Vita Smart August 7, 2022
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