94 definitions by Vita Smart

the evolution of the holy roman empire formed by terroristic group of Black men who hated Black people
"That was mighty christian of you."
"Why, thank you child!"
"That was not a compliment you dweeb!"
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022
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people who talk to you as if they are you as a way of being passive aggressive but they know you love it, even if you annoy the hell out of them, and they are sick of you already
"Celebrities are only doing you to your face."
"I never thought about it like that."
"Yeah and they're totally butthurt that you don't speak to them like a human being anymore, too."
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022
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a form of mirroring that helps you see yourself from a different perspective, that is what you look like to other people, this is what you sound like to other people
"Celebrities get on a stage and then they start doing you to your face."
"Yeah, and they pay them to do that to their face."
"Does it suck or is it helpful?"
"I don't know."
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022
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"I made that white girl get back out there to work for me in them streets."
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022
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any and every female girl woman child or infant that is surnamed White
Barry White's daughter is a White girl. Barry and his wife made love. No shame.
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022
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a loose cigarette, also called a loosie, also spelled loosey, also called lucy

something strange for some change

it's hot
"I bought a white girl for $0.35 up at the gas station. I can't tell nobody cuz my habibi might get caught and then he can't sell me no more loosies. It's like I'm burning up all my little money."
by Vita Smart July 27, 2022
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"The white girl tried to use some of my hair in her hatred spell"
by Vita Smart July 31, 2022
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