1 definition by Violetta✨

She is your best friend. If you have a friend named Annette you should take care of her. She is pretty and beautiful. She also is kind of a heartbreaker. Has brown hair most of the time and is smart, and wise. She is the class clown of your group, she’s sensitive but can always be there to put a smile on your face. She’s also a runner and is very sporty, and if you say anything to her bffs she will defend them as fast as possible. And she isn’t the most popular girl but she is better than anything. She also loves dogs! And is great at any subject but is kinda suffering in math. If you have an Annette NEVER LET HER GO! And she can be a lazy ass bitch sometimes. 😂✨🌸
“Annette is a beautiful and kind best friend.”
by Violetta✨ December 16, 2019
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