5 definitions by Vijola2711

The day I was born aka best day of your life! jk the day my friend was born aka best day of your life.

(haha lol it isn't even my real bday)(it is my friend's bday)
I am amazing I was born on november 27th!!!
by Vijola2711 February 7, 2017
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what is up my siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis. it is a nickname for people named kate or kathryn.
hi karenwilder
by Vijola2711 February 7, 2017
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A beautiful name for a beautiful girls. Palmas have brown hair, big beautiful brown eyes and voices like mermaids (that is a good thing btw). They are super nice and sweet and smart. if you ever find a Palma, don't ever let go!!!!
"Wow Jdflsjfl you're so lucky you have a Palma!! She is so nice and pretty." says Hdfhaksj (That's a name btw)
"IKR." says Jdflsjfl (That's a name btw)
by Vijola2711 February 7, 2017
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Don't even get me started on the sims 4. IT IS THE BEST. GAME. EVER. I play it every weekend and it is so freakin amazing. you can control people and make your own sims and it's so entertaining. lol does anyone remember the pool method from sims 3? you would put a sim in the pool and remove the ladder and so they would die. that's... that's actually pretty sad to think about that... ANYWAYS THE SIMS 4 IS AAAAAAMMMMMMAAAAAZZZZIIIINNNGGG!!!! GO BUT IT NOW! I'VE SPENT ALL MY MONEY ON IT AND NOW IT'S YOUR TURN! fave expansion is city living. i have all expansions except one stuff pack. So yeah i've pretty much spent all my $ on expansions and stuff. I have 7$ left which still is pretty damn nice!
"Do you play the sims 4?"
"yeah it's amazing."
by Vijola2711 February 7, 2017
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It is used to describe your very young uncle. He should be in his early twenties. Someone who is popular among girls and strong. Can only be used to describe nice, strong, young uncles (not a child or teen but a young adult). This word is made up of young +uncle. it was made by a Danish girl with a beautiful name that starts with an E.
"Hi how are you?" says Karenwilder
"I am really happy!" says Elva. "My yuncle is coming to visit me really soon and I'm super excited!"
by Vijola2711 February 7, 2017
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