115 definitions by Victor Van Styn

An acronym whore is someone who uses acronymized words in real life too much.
"Pass some LBZ, wouldjuh?" inquired the acronym whore.

When you start hearing "lol, jp" in daily life, beware..
by Victor Van Styn September 26, 2005
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part of speach: noun
plural form: n00bs at life

one who refuses to learn from or take the advice of his\her elders or those whom hold more wisdom or are more knowledgable when it comes to ane specific field or category of experience, or who is simply too hard-headed to apply his\her peers’ successful actions/conduct to his\her-self; one who is too stubborn to grow much as a human, who will oft decline him\herself the right to learn from his\her past experiences, and who will seldom accept things in any way that isn’t to the standard that s\he is used to or has been led to believe priorhand/previously (even if it lacks evidence or support to back it up), who may try too steadfast not to lose face when proven wrong; linear. Oftentimes agnostic on a level deeper than the thought of ‘God’ (which, when on a deeper level, is a bad thing, because it illustrates lack of true taste/perception or knowledge of the surrounding world as perceived by the n00b at life).

See also n00b, which is different than a 'noob'. (A noob reffers more to a ‘newb’, or ‘newbie’ at something{specifically a videogame}, whereas a 'n00b' can be anyone who..well I’m not suppose to define 'n00b' here, but just note that even vets can act n00b-ish at times.)

Compare 'n00bs at life' with the '‘élitist’ Democrats' who THINK that they’re über-the-shit and clearly demonstrate their ‘superiority’ towards the rest of the population.
"Having a n00b at life for your mother really bites. But to have a n00b at life for your father is a plain-out atrocity (especially if you are a male, though is equally conductually imparing to a daughter)."
by Victor Van Styn July 30, 2005
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"would you please be quiet"; polite form of something such as 'stfuysb' or plain-ole 'shut it'.
Emily, wybpq? I am trying to study..
by Victor Van Styn July 25, 2005
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the cool{no, not ‘kool’ or the sickening ‘kewl’} way to spell ‘screwed’, as well as how ’twas korrectly spelled in Old English (what with its Germanic routes). The letter ‘c’ should be reserved more for an ‘s’ sound (as in ‘Cici's Pizza’, proper-noun ‘Scion’, as well as when in concert with another letter to denote a new sound all its own: ‘bitch’, ‘charge’, ‘chagrin’, and German ‘ich’ or the proper-noun ‘Loch Ness Monster’).

See also: screwed, skrew, screw
Yep, you’re pretty-much skrewed alright, I’m ’fraid to confirm.
by Victor Van Styn August 23, 2005
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‘'J'’ is the only letter which can be pronounced in five{5} different ways, depending on its native language and how it is used; in order of commonness: as a ‘j’ (as in the English name 'George', word 'jockey'), as an ‘h’ (as in the Mexican beverage 'Jarritos', the Spanish word 'jalapeño', or the English name 'Henry'), as a ‘y’ (as in the word 'yacht' or the German word 'Ja' meaning 'Yes' or the name 'Jorgen von Strangle'{teh boss-fairy from le FOP, you silly nitwitt}..w's=v's, v's=f's auf Deutsch), as 'zh'(as in English 'vision', or the French masculine name 'Jean' or word 'lingerie'), or as a ‘w’ (as in the historical/fictional character + noun 'Don Juan', the feminine name 'Juanita', or the word 'marijuana'\'marihuana' or 'chihuahua' or the exclamatory interjection 'Woo!').
"Juicey jalapeños, Jawohl!" exclaimed Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D to the young, savvy, don juan.
by Victor Van Styn July 26, 2005
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The only letter which can be pronounced in five{5} different ways, depending on its native language and how it is used; in order of commonness: as a ‘j’ (as in the English name'George', word 'jockey'), as an ‘h’ (as in the Mexican beverage 'Jarritos', the Spanish word 'jalapeño', or the English name 'Henry'), as a ‘y’ (as in the word 'yacht' or the German word 'Ja' meaning 'Yes' or the name 'Jorgen von Strangle'{teh boss-fairy from le FOP, you silly nitwitt}..w's=v's, v's=f's auf Deutsch), as 'zh'(as in English 'vision', or the French name 'Jean' or word 'lingerie'), or as a ‘w’ (as in the historical\fictional character + noun 'Don Juan', the feminine name 'Juanita', or the word 'marijuana'\'marihuana' or 'chihuahua' or the exclamatory interjunction 'Woo!').
"Juicey jalapeños, Jawohl!" exclaimed Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D to the young, savvy, don juan.
by Victor Van Styn July 26, 2005
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used to denote a clause within an actual sentence (or sometimes inbetween what some would consider as othrewise *two* seperate sentences, though are one due to its '..'-connection) for a briefer amount of time than a full ellipsis(…, ...) denotes(example1). Also used sometimes before a question-mark{?} when what the someone is saying seems to be trailing-off so-to-speak, though can be substitued by ...(example2).
I like you alot..almost as much as I enjoy food, sex, money, and life itself.

Joey, yoo-hoo!! ... Ohh, Joeeeeey, where did you go..??
by Victor Van Styn July 25, 2005
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