4 definitions by Vecko00

Woah hold ur horses, this person will 360 no scope you and do the cry emote exact same time, also great and whole over dimension of beauty. Tom Holland watch out.

Player 1: Look at me build

*player 1 was eliminated by iyna (780 m)

Iyna: WOAH
by Vecko00 April 13, 2020
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Can’t play deathrun but great at Fortnite can hit fairy’s out the sky with her own hands. I have no clue what to say but Tom riddle she coming for u and Voldemort wand
by Vecko00 April 14, 2020
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Person: “ I sayed where is my super suit
Other: “ Your a retard”

Sayed not a real word man”
by Vecko00 February 2, 2021
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Someone who clearly doesn’t read there messages and is oblivious to the superior being.
Thing 1: I sayed where is my super suit
Thing 2: huhhhh, you confuse me man, it’s said dumb ass

Thing 1: STFUUU I’m a winner inside
by Vecko00 February 6, 2021
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