2 definitions by Vancetagious

Adjective --- from the "old ghetto smurf" -- meaning tiny,bumbled,yet fabulous.
used in a sentence (My sista Gloria from Cleveland tinks her maaarbles are weefumbulous.)
by Vancetagious January 18, 2011
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One person makes a boastful statement, and then another does the same in an effort to outdo the first.
The "Brag-race" is now on.
Whoever runs out of brags first, looses.
I was at the bar last night.

Stan started talking about this hot blond he nailed the other night, and then Mortimer chimed in, trying to out do him.
The Brag race ended in tears when Stan forced Mortimer to confess he was actually talking about an incident with his own cousin at a family reunion.
by Vancetagious January 31, 2016
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