2 definitions by Vaenn

The combination of a colon followed by a semicolon (":;") as a tattoo can symbolize "LOST VOICES." In this context, it might represent the idea of giving a voice or raising awareness for those who have been silenced or marginalized in society. It serves as a reminder to listen to and advocate for the voices of individuals or groups whose stories, struggles, or perspectives may have been overlooked or suppressed. This tattoo can be a powerful statement about the importance of amplifying the voices of those who need to be heard.
She got the ":;" tattoo on her forearm as a powerful symbol, reminding herself to always advocate for "LOST VOICES" and to be a voice for the marginalized and unheard in our community.
by Vaenn September 18, 2023
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A regular colon typically represents solidarity with those who have endured or are currently facing colorectal cancer. It's often used to raise awareness about the disease and show support for survivors and patients. The colon symbol (:), resembling a part of the colon, is used as a visual representation of this support and as a conversation starter about colorectal cancer prevention and awareness.
The ":" symbol on its own often represents a regular colon, which typically signifies solidarity with those who have faced or are currently dealing with colorectal cancer. It's a symbol used to raise awareness about the disease and show support for survivors and patients.
by Vaenn September 18, 2023
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