1 definition by User037

One of those girls who in middle school had been obsessed with boys and always had to ‘try and move on’ Most typically blonde haired or light brown. In high-school she turns into a thot who will cheat on you. Most likely the stereotyped dumb blonde. Also the wannabe who goes for all the seniors. Probably owns a couple dildos and watches pornhub instead of doing homework. Usually comes late to school and plays dumb which makes her look like and asstard. Parties every night

Is a bitch
Kindergarten Nati: Omg Jessica! Ryan just broke up with me!
Jessica: ...

7th grade Nati: Omg Daniel just broke up with me! Ugh I just have to forget and move on
Me: Forget what? The multiplication table?

11th Grade Nati: I just fucked Justin last night and he forgot!
by User037 January 29, 2019
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