1 definition by Unrulyvictim

A foul and deplorable person who scoffs munch all over a supermarket. Can refer to a customer or an employee. It is an act of gross misconduct and a sackable offence. The most common form of Grazing occurs in the produce section, grapes being the number 1 grazed product in the UK. An employee caught grazing will have "Grazer" posters put up in staff rooms as a person to watch out for. You do not want to be glassed as a "Known Grazer" or people will start following you round when you do your shopping.
That Nathan is such a Grazer, he got caught Grazing at Tesco and ate all the grapes in the store. His dismissal form reads "Known Grazer". Armed with grapes and dangerous.
by Unrulyvictim March 4, 2016
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