2 definitions by Unjobbed

Choosing to escape the 9 to 5 rat race and earn your income by non-traditional means.

To choose non-employment as opposed to unemployment.

Unjobbing yourself involves backing your own skills, removing the safety net of a wage and gaining your own freedom along the way.

1/ Wage Slavery: In the modern world, you want to earn money through knowledge and leverage, not by selling your time. “Nine to five is just modern slavery…it’s wage slavery” – Naval Ravikant.

Related to the FIRE movement (Financial independence, Retire Early)
She unjobbed herself when she left her Corporate career and gave up her wage to do jobs on airtasker, drive an Uber and trade crypto...
by Unjobbed April 16, 2021
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A Shangri-la for hand drawn masterpieces by Pepe's O.G creator, Matt Furie.
The zealotry among the citizens of Zogztopia was written in legend. So much so, they ascended to the role of 'Zogzilla' as their blood ran green and their hearts thumped to the song of kek.
by Unjobbed May 7, 2023
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