2 definitions by Ummm...

Born Adrienne Ilene Nesser, she is the awsome wife of Green Day's lead singer, Billie Joe Armstrong. She is co-owner of Adeline Records and her and Billie Joe own their own clothing company, called Adeline Street (which I have two things from). They have raised two children together, Joseph Marciano and Jakob Danger. Now she is known as Adrienne Armstrong.
She has three siblings, Steve, Aaron, and Amelia. Billie Joe, Adrienne, Joseph, and Jakob now reside in Berkley, California. One more little thing, it has been reported that Adrienne Armstrong can play the drums!
by Ummm... August 17, 2006
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The coolest woman ever!!! She is so awsome! But hey you teenies, no way he ever leave her for you! They have been married for 12 years and they have two children, Joseph Marciano and Jakob Danger.
by Ummm... August 14, 2006
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