5 definitions by UbiquitousLatin

(adjective) A feeling of extreme power or kingliness that makes one feel akin the Julius Caesar.
Mate, after your performance last weekend you must be feeling absolutely Caesarian.
by UbiquitousLatin September 25, 2019
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A scenario that completely revolves around beers. From sermon; a talk on a religious or moral subject, and ale; Australian slang for beer.
See you at the pub tonight for a sermonale.
by UbiquitousLatin September 25, 2019
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Were you at the RSL on Friday night? The atmosphere in the pokies was ridiculon.
by UbiquitousLatin September 25, 2019
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(ubiquinoun) A philosophy based on the scenario. Main ideas:

- Everything thing is a scenario, from having beers to your mates, to atoms bonding at a molecular level.
- Context is everything.
- The scenario complex: the word scenario encapsulates and can refer to everything, so in a way it means nothing; is redundant.
- Ubiquinoun; a noun that encapsulates all things.
- Evaluating the scenario: social bounds, moods and context.
- Scenario performance: working a room, diffusing the awkward scenario, etiquette.
- Sermonale: a scenario revolving around beers.
- Caesarianism: becoming the king of the scenario, feeling so powerful that you are akin to Julius Caesar.
- Language, Latin.

Recent development - the Beatles as the musical counterpart of the scenarioism philosophy, a song to fit any scenario.
I've been studying scenarioism for years, and still can't seem to find the secrets to optimal perormance in a scenario.
Scenarioism has shown me how to appreciate the intricate workings of the scenario.
by UbiquitousLatin September 25, 2019
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