2 definitions by Twenty Øne llamas

Suicidal people are people who want to kill themselves...or have tried and survived...or maybe trying to commit suicide... they have there reasons why they want to...like me...so don't judge them or make fun of them because they are not living there are surviving...they barely go through there days...most of the time they cut themselves...burn... Or bruise themselves...for them this is there only way out...they like the pain...t
Suicidal people
Are just angels who want to go home...because there home sick.
by Twenty Øne llamas March 29, 2016
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This is not mostly known among people...but this is when your suffering depression and hides it with a smile...the fake smile is like your audience mask and you take it off when your by yourself...this type of depression if more dangerous than other types because most type don't have the energy to actually do it...but when people have smiling depression they actually plan it out and we'll try it...
This girl can be smiling and laughing but behind her mask she can be suffering from smiling depression...she can be broken and crying out for help...but how do we know what's she's carrying?

Don't judge people by there smiles....the prettiest smile hides the deepest secret...the prettiest eyes had cried the most...the kindest hearts have felt the most pain...
by Twenty Øne llamas March 29, 2016
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