8 definitions by Turler

When someone passes out, you might take a fat poo then rub some all over the back of their neck, thus giving them a turd mullet.
Zach woke up smelling rank after Pete gave him a turd mullet.
by Turler August 3, 2018
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Based on a Lil Wayne lyric, the "Jackson Four" can be used as shorthand for any unwanted group, usually of fringe friends, that you left or want to leave behind.
Has anyone heard from the Jackson Four? Haven't seen them in ages.
by Turler August 3, 2018
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A person so unique, unlikely, or weird that there is no other way to describe them than as a "busty jesus"
The party was mellow until three busty jesuses rolled up on Lime bikes wearing leopard print bathrobes and singing "Row Row Row Your Boat" in a round.
by Turler August 3, 2018
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1. A distant relative of the brontosaurus measuring up to 300 feet high and no more than 1 foot around.

2. In a club/bar setting, a "lankiosaurus" can be identified as any awkwardly tall person forced to stoop way over just to hear what their friends are saying.

3. Any tall, thin, awkward person.
The lankiosaurus was thought to be extinct until we ran into former NBA great Shawn Bradley at the bar.
by Turler August 3, 2018
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A guy grinds on a girl. Suddenly, to his great surprise, a human hand emerges directly from her hindquarters and proceeds to grasp then stroke his member. Butt handy.
Did Sean tell you he got a butt handy from his girlfriend Missy??
by Turler August 3, 2018
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This is a minimalist genre whose adherents, typically very baked, make beautiful art using only a handful of cheese cubes and a box of Triscuits.
Max was in a rut, but his outlook on life changed for the better once he discovered the basic tenets of Cheese Cubism.
by Turler August 3, 2018
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Can't grow a beard? Next time you're at home, simply apply shaving cream to your face in the shape of a beard, leave it on, and go about your day.
by Turler August 3, 2018
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