37 definitions by Tuna Wanda

The proper name for an attorney or a lawyer. A money-grubbing scoundrel who tries to save subhuman scum from execution, or who sues honest people who are trying to do their jobs.
It's very hard to win a lawsuit against you when you're against a big corporation with plenty of shysters.
by Tuna Wanda May 26, 2005
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Luck Strike Means Fine Tobacco.
An old advertising slogan for a brand of redneck tobacco cigarettes.

Loose Straps Mean Floppy Tits.
An old expression used to explain the meaning of LSMFT.
Tommy Joe: Whoa there, Donny Bob! Look at that fine young lady bouncing around!

Buddy John: LSMFT!
by Tuna Wanda May 26, 2005
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Large breasts that wobble and flop when a woman walks.
Gee, Judy, these guys in the Black Elk Inn love to look at my flannel shirt.

Come on, Wanda, they're just gawking at your wobblyfloppers.
by Tuna Wanda May 14, 2005
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An age when people who have had the marvelous blessings of living in a Judeo-Christian tradition, a free education, free libraries, and access to information, reject everything they have learned, and all of their common sense. They adopt the customs of people who live with cobras in the road, and pretend to believe in reincarnation. This leads to such preposterous principles as "meat is murder."
Who were you in your previous life, Rebekah?

Previous life?!! What do you think I am, a Hindu? A snake charmer? An ass-trologer? A New Age Yuppie? Come on, Rosemary, gimme a break!

New Age Yuppie: Don't take part in the rodeo! Meat is murder!

Cowboy: Get outta my way, you brainless New Age twerp! That steer sure as hell ain't MY grandpa!
by Tuna Wanda May 26, 2005
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An affectionate name for a lady or gentleman who lets a great many binderfenders and dead badgers.

A prodigious farter.
Who do you have for third period English?

Mrs. Sweeney.

Oh, wow, you have Old Thunder Buns? I wish I was in there with you! It's gonna be a gas!
by Tuna Wanda May 26, 2005
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What I, and all sensible ladies, carry to discourage or stop attacks by hoodlums.
Nobody ever raped a thirty-eight. That's why I pack a Saturday Night Special.
by Tuna Wanda May 21, 2005
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A person who rejects the notion that all people are created equal, and supports the notion that all people must BECOME equal. The socialist proposes to enforce this equal outcome on society by giving all kids the same grades in school, and by taking money from people who have earned it and handing it to people who don't like to work.

In short, a democrat.
Hillary Clinton is a socialist who wants to raise your taxes and get as much money as possible from you, and give that money to illegal immigrants so they can live as well as you. Actually, the true outcome is, you live as badly as they do.
by Tuna Wanda June 3, 2005
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