2 definitions by Trashbag93

Reuben is the sweetest guy you will ever meet. He has the most kindest most loving heart and always lights up the room with his smile. He is forgiving and very understanding especially when you need someone to talk to. He makes all the girls hearts flutter and is just perfect. He is very cute and charming. He is absolutely the coolest most lit guy you will ever meet. This guy is amazing.
Person one - ohmygosh that guy Reuben is so cute!
Person two - he just melts my heart just by looking at him
Person three - Reuben is definitely a shnack

Person four - geez guys don’t be cringey
by Trashbag93 October 22, 2018
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Hayley lee is a trashbag. She will always be stupid and ugly plus she has no friends. Someone called ben told her she is perfectly imperfect and that is correct . A hayley has no feelings and prefers to like sloths. People will be easily offended by looking at a hayley
Guy one: dude! That girl looks like a trashbag
Guy two: i know right .. must be a hayley
Guy three: she needs to be in a hole
by Trashbag93 July 1, 2018
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