3 definitions by Torontoball

Also known as anti-Serb sentiment, is a generalized dislike of the Serb ethnic group. It has historically served as a justification for the persecution of Serb ethnicity.
Examples of Serbophobia

1. The song Alle Serben müssen sterben (also spelled Serbien muß sterbien), which became popular in Vienna in 1914, is an illustration of Serbophobia.
2. During and after the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s, Croats, and Bosniaks frequently referred to anything associated with Serbs as "Vlach" and they also frequently used the word "Chetnik" in a derogatory manner rather than in the only accurate sense as a paramilitary. She (sub-human) is an insulting term for Serbs in Albanian.
3. In 1997, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia asserted before the International Court of Justice that rhetoric and anti-Serb sentiment spread through all media, including the news, were to blame for acts of genocide against Serbs.
by Torontoball July 12, 2022
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It refers to a passionate love of Ukrainian culture, language, history, and people
Examples of Ukrainophilia:

1. The Maidan protests of 2013-2014, the conflict in eastern Ukraine, and the Russo-Ukrainian War have made more people interested in Ukrainian culture and history, which has led to an increase in Ukrainophilia.
2. The history of Ukrainophilia is complicated and has been shaped by things like political relationships, sharing of culture, and individual experiences.
3. Ukrainophilia means really liking and enjoying Ukrainian culture, people, history, and language a lot.
4. Overall, it is a multifaceted phenomenon that reflects both the historical and contemporary dynamics of Ukraine's place in the world.
5. This word is frequently used to refer to persons who have great love and respect for Ukraine and its people.

Слава Україні!
by Torontoball March 9, 2023
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The fear of, hatred of, or prejudice against the Islamophobia or anti-Muslims
Examples of Islamophobophobia:

1. Attacking people for hating on Muslims
2. Protecting against the anti-Muslim racism
3. Saving all Muslims from Islamophobia attacks
by Torontoball July 11, 2022
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