5 definitions by Tickets are for free

At MHS we spend money real money big money
Manhattan high school girls are Lilly walking around in designer from head to toe
by Tickets are for free December 12, 2021
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At MHS we spend money real money BIG money
At MHS we want it we got it
by Tickets are for free December 12, 2021
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At MHS we spend money real money big money
MHS girls are all walking around in designer from head to toe
by Tickets are for free December 12, 2021
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She’s literally the bomb she’s hella funny and knows how to make you smile she’s freaking stunning and if you don’t snatch her I will
by Tickets are for free December 14, 2021
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Sima leah is a hot girl with a nice body she loves to date people that names start with the letter s she stunning and will make the perfect baby mama she prob has ADHD oh ya she’s also hella funny
Bro I want to snatch that Sima leah

Sima leah is a hottie
by Tickets are for free December 12, 2021
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