2 definitions by Three Chauches

A vagina when used in combination with a Tadpole Cannon.
My Tadpole Cannon accidentaly fired in her Toad Hole, I hope we don't make any frogs.

I destroyed her Toad Hole with my Tadpole Cannon.

Her Toad Hole smelled like swamp when I sniff-tested her, but I still used my Tadpole Cannon anyway.
by Three Chauches October 18, 2006
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Your penis when used for ejaculatory puposes. Your tadpoles (sperm) are generally shot from your cannon into the toad hole (vagina). Abbreviated TPC.
Man, I totally fired my Tadpole Cannon in her toad hole.

My Tadpole Cannon kinda burns after all of the toad hole I got this weekend, do you think I have somthing?

I need to reload my tadpole cannon, I am out of ammo after spending the weekend in the swamp.

I need to keep my tadpole cannon holstered.
by Three Chauches October 18, 2006
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