3 definitions by Thisluckybear

Kileyalities are the typically uncommon and unexpected, yet perfect actions that a Kiley does that make you fall in love with her, including, but not limited to:
- Whispering "what?" while a grown man can't stop gazing at her like a school boy in love
- Working on puzzles as intensely as Einstein was when developing the Theory of Relativity
- Fluently talking in cat language
- Ability to cocoon with a sleep mask and ear plugs at 1:30PM
- Non-stop vacuuming

- Obsessive labeling of containers so everybody knows it's hers
- Never crying except when she's in bed
- The list goes on but these are some examples
I am constantly awed by all of your Kileyalities, and I fall deeper in love with you every time I witness them.
by Thisluckybear December 22, 2021
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The intrinsic feeling experienced in regards to engaging in a relationship with someone with whom you feel a strong attraction and desire for.
Ever since I met this beautiful, unexpectedly unique, and energetically exciting woman, I have been On One for her.
by Thisluckybear February 21, 2023
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A phrase referring to a specific personal, social, or worldly event that an individual has experienced or observed in the past, and shares their memory of while in a conversation, or while reflecting on the significance that he/she knew at the time would create a long term and/or an unavoidable chain of events.
This term implies a strong sense of intuition from the observer, as well as some experienced time that has proven the significance of this event to be be truly valid.
(*Not to be confused with "Right off the bat", which typically refers to a quick and strong , but short lived response to an emotion or action.)
The first time I walked through her door, I knew right off the back that she would be the love of my life.

When I first read in the newspaper in 1991 that it the US invaded Iraq to defend Quwait, I knew off the back that it would start a chain of events that would pull the U.S. into a long term military engagement in the Middle East.
by Thisluckybear April 12, 2022
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