2 definitions by The_Alfmeister

Something that isn't explicitly sexual or particularly arousing on its own, but is worth masturbating to in a pinch. Still kinda arousing and much better than using your imagination.
'bro, your sister's instagram is fairly wankoverable with all her hot friends on there, but shes definitely no Taylor Swift'

'Jennifer Lawrence is wankoverable on the 'Hunger Games' DVD case if its the only thing you got in your room with you at the time'
by The_Alfmeister October 28, 2017
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A thot convention is a small-to-medium group of mainly women who post photos of themselves on Instagram either passed out drunk, on some form of drugs or in a sexual act. This is normally at the end of the night, and is the natural progression from them posing with their friends and a glass of wine.
man 1: dude, that girl Tracie invited me to a party tomorrow!

Man 2: check her insta bro, its gonna be a total thot convention, miss me with that shit.
by The_Alfmeister March 15, 2018
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