7 definitions by TheSlanguist

A capitalist theory which opposes economic domination by large corporations in favor of small-scale, generally local businesses, thus leaving most economic activity to the petite bourgeoisie.

Businesses operating on this theory are often characterized by a kitschy, cozy aesthetic, cheugy merchandise, and a strong pride in being small local businesses.
Allison prefers quaint capitalism over corporatism, so she shops at her local farmers' market instead of the grocery store.
by TheSlanguist June 16, 2021
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(Adj.) Unusually or especially fucky.
A man who was just broken up with, was evicted, was diagnosed with herpes, is late for work, and whose car won't start: Well golly gee, this situation sure is some fuctacious bullshittery.
by TheSlanguist July 25, 2018
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(noun) An individual whose defense of or sympathy toward alt-right beliefs is taken advantage of by fascists. Their adherence to the defense of 'free thinking' puts them in a position where they are essentially cucked by fascism. Similar to bootlicker.
Pewdiepie, though not being an outright Nazi, is definitely a total fashcuck.
by TheSlanguist March 21, 2019
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Sidjis (which can also be spelled sijis if you ain't about that D) is a slangy way of saying the word 'insidious' without attracting unwanted attention from horror movie fanatics.
Guy: The insidious infiltration of politics into casual media is becoming increasingly problematic.
Other Guy: OMG Insidious?! I love that movie!

Guy: The sidjis infiltration of politics into casual media is becoming increasingly problematic.
Other Guy: I wholeheartedly concur, my friend.
by TheSlanguist June 30, 2018
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(adj.) Refers to things coming from the Sugondese Autonomous Region (aka The Federation of Sugondis) of Western China, near the borders of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Since the Sugondese language and culture are distinct from others in China and the Middle East, the region was given autonomy in 1981. During its recovery from Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward, the Sugondese Region experienced a period of prosperity and readopted their traditional religion of Bofaism. In modern times, the Sugondese Region's economy is quite small, but remains stable due to the widespread cultivation and export of various tree nuts, which accounts for around 96% of the region's income. Tree nuts are very common in Sugondese cuisine, as they have been a staple food source there for millenia. Recently, the Sugondese people have become the subject of crude jokes and memes on the internet, which some theorize were started by the Sugondese government to boost tourism. Whether or not this conspiracy theory is true is not known; what is known is that it's funny as fuck.
Guy 1 (while eating): Mmm, this is really good! What is it?

Guy 2: Sugondese food.

Guy 1: Huh?

Guy 2: Sugondese nuts.
by TheSlanguist August 1, 2018
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(Verb) To falsely use social consciousness and benevolence to gain street cred.
(Noun) A person who claims to be kind and socially conscious, but in actuality is a massive prick.
Dude: Hey, did you hear Michael called Aisha a n-word whore after she broke up with him?

Another Dude: Wait, MICHAEL said that?! That guy is such an SJW though! He was an angelmask the whole time?

Dude: Yeah, turns out he was just angelmasking. Apparently he's actually super racist.
by TheSlanguist July 25, 2018
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