7 definitions by TheRealGbruhv

An elirej is that type of person that would not stop beating his meat, everyday he will talk about nofap, but every night he will be doing da fap.
Elirej is also the type a guy to like to fondle his friends balls politely.
Elirej: Hey did you know that too much masturbation is bad for you?
You: Oh really? Then maybe i should stop.
Elirej: Yeah im on day 77 of nofap!
You: Wow dude youre a real virgin.
by TheRealGbruhv March 28, 2023
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An elirej is a guy who is really bad at minecraft. Elirejs always have bad pc's, hes always lagging.
Im NoT bAd Im JuSt LaGgInG!- is something youll hear all the time from an elirej.
whenever Elirej is not gaming minecraft, he is listening to anime moan 10 hour compilations.
He has a clear goal and its kinda motivating to see his passion for minecraft math on the website

"elevspel"minecraft math

Elirej- Yes of course my friend let me just start it!

You- Have you started it yet its been 10 minutes?

Elirej- Bro i dont have a supercomputer chill.

(You in your brain) "Elirej is so hot"
by TheRealGbruhv February 7, 2023
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THe type of girl to draw big lumptous slimy black dildos in the game "gartic phone"
You: draw a dildo
Juno: Yes "screams in rat"
by TheRealGbruhv March 28, 2023
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A "zone" is a guy who literally grips his friends balls with love, firmness and affection.
if you meet him be sure to offer your balls and hell make them blue.
Plus remeber, if you ever cathc yourself playing a game against him, hell surely giggle cutely
Ooh youre talking to Masteredzone?

Yessir were gonna go and make my balls blue later.
by TheRealGbruhv February 7, 2023
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(me)Marwan: hi im gay
You: yea nice bro.
by TheRealGbruhv March 28, 2023
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