4 definitions by TheR0B0TNinja

A way to say that something that’s shit is shit, even if you worked really hard on it.
David: “Hey Gordon, check out this short film I made!”
Gordon: *watches short film*
David: “So what did you think?”
Gordon: “Throw the novel in the trash.”
by TheR0B0TNinja March 1, 2023
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The act of noticing a buldgie wuldgie.
MajiraStrawberry: uwu, nuldges
by TheR0B0TNinja February 4, 2023
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When you get an erection, but it's longer than it usually is.
James: Hey, how was the movie?
Denny: The movie was so great, it gave me a long. Do you want to see it?
James: Sure!
by TheR0B0TNinja January 9, 2022
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Fidel Castro: "Here, have some milk, it's healthy for you."
Lactose Intolerant Weakling: "I can't have that."
Fidel Castro: "Oh my god! Don't you know I have lactoseintolerantaphobia? GUARDS, EXECUTE HIM!"
by TheR0B0TNinja November 2, 2022
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