2 definitions by TheGreatKatyusha

Dear Admissions Committee,

I couldn’t fit all of this within the word limit, so I trust you’ll find your way here after looking up what Strifjekat means. I offer you a truly unique talent that sets me apart from the crowd: my unparalleled napping skills. Since I was a child, I've demonstrated an uncanny ability to doze off at a moment's notice, even amidst the most engaging of situations. In high school, I strategically found the perfect nap locations, mastering the art of sleeping through classes. In college, I honed my skills, discovering hidden nooks and empty lecture halls that became my personal sanctuaries of sleep. My napping is not a sign of laziness but a dedication to achieving peak performance and rejuvenating my mind and body. I am the nap whisperer, the somnolence savant, ready to bring balance to the world of academia.

Napping has been proven to promote overall well-being and mental health. By embracing the art of napping, I can serve as a living testament to the importance of self-care and the positive impact it can have on the student body. Encouraging napping as a means of relaxation and rejuvenation would not only benefit individual students but also foster a healthier and more balanced campus culture.

Thank you for considering my application. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to wake me up.
… and that’s my college application. Thank you, and strifjekat
by TheGreatKatyusha May 25, 2023
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When your list of shows to watch starts growing faster than you can watch them.
“I keep finding new shows. At this rate, I’ll never be able to finish them all! I think I’ve hit watchlist escape velocity.”
by TheGreatKatyusha October 28, 2020
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