2 definitions by TheGoldenShortman

IDFK some jk rowling shit. When she makes up something about her character or when u just wanna make fun of a long word for a sexuality.
JK Rowling: Hey you know Harry Potter right?
Her twitter followers: Yeah?
JK Rowling: Well Voldemort was actually in a polytranssendantuialistic relationship with Harry.
by TheGoldenShortman October 5, 2020
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A popular sound in yaoi or gay anime/manga. It's most likely the sound of a character climaxing when being fingered another character. It can also be replaced with *splurge*or *splooge* and will also most likely me surrounded by a "*"
*one anime boy getting fingered by another*
Boy 1: I'm about to cum!
by TheGoldenShortman October 5, 2020
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