4 definitions by TheGirlWhoKnowsSomeoneCalled..

Anna is one of the most trustworthy friends ever. She’s smart, amazing, trustworthy, funny, sarcastic, has a good side but also has a dark side and you need an Anna in your life. Anna has helped me so much and she’s so gorgeous I can’t even. I’m wondering why all the guys don’t really have a crush on her but they do most definitely have terrible taste if they don’t LOVE her! Whoever messes with an Anna needs to rethink what they just did. They just lost a friend for life. Anna will always be my best friend and she never lets me down. I won’t listen otherwise!!
Some people: Anna blames everyone for her problems 😒
Me: HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT ANNA!! She didn’t do anything neither did I!

Some people: 🙄 (go around saying stuff about me and her but me and her but we are innocent unless we’re standing up to hate!)
by TheGirlWhoKnowsSomeoneCalled.. November 27, 2018
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Christina or as everyone calls her Krisi is one of the most.. god words can’t describe her persons you’ll ever meet. She’s loving, caring and not to mention crazy talented at singing and dancing. She’s also one of those people that you can rely on for support even if she’s going through the same thing herself. She puts others first and never gives up on things she wants to do. She understands that people might not like her but the rare chance you find someone who doesn’t is highly unlikely but if you do they surely made a massive mistake. I love my Christina as much as I love oreos which will always be our favourite cookie forever. 💕
Teacher: Christina you’re doing such a great job

Christina: thanks Ms but I prefer to be called..

Everyone: KRISI!
by TheGirlWhoKnowsSomeoneCalled.. November 28, 2018
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Eva or as I like to call her Evie is one of the most trustworthy friends you have. She’s mostly an introvert who’d on occasion hangout with her friends but would rather sit at home with mint chocolate chip ice cream and watch some Riverdale. She’s the most caring and lovely person you’ll ever meet but along with her being loving she also can turn from nice to realistic real quick. She’s a feminist who doesn’t believe ‘that just woman can get everything’ but other genders too. She is also very supporting and you definitely need an Eva in your life because nothing can complete you without her ♥️
Our Squad: Eva how are things?

Eva: Fabulous although I did here a sexist comment today and that didn’t make me happy

Our Squad: you tell them girl!
by TheGirlWhoKnowsSomeoneCalled.. November 28, 2018
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Usually a guys name but it’s a unisex name that anyone can have. Can be short for Andrew but can be Drew on its own.
He has the dreamiest eyes and has a smirk that can make any girl fall for him. Sure he can be self centred sometimes but he definitely cares about the people who care for him. Drew is smart enough to not care for people who don’t care back because he understands it’s a waste of his time. I’m lucky to have a Drew in my life. He makes everyone feel like themselves which is amazing! He’s been my best friend since I was 7 and I can’t ask for a better Drew (I know two btw Drew T this for you) and he’s never let me hurt anyone or myself cuz he knows it’s a waste of time.
Girl:Omg who’s that!

Me: Girl that right there is my best friend Drew total hunk right?

Girl: 😍
by TheGirlWhoKnowsSomeoneCalled.. November 27, 2018
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