58 definitions by The Real Canadian

A person who has a blind, cult-like admiration of and devotion to the worst President in American history, Donald Trump. Trumpanzees verbally attack people who contradict their narrow outlook on life. If you argue reasonably against Trump's racist, xenophobic and misogynistic politics, you are called a snowflake. If you mention anything you've read in The New York Times or have seen on CNN, Trumpanzee would label it fake news.

Trumpanzees tend to be fat, pasty-faced high school dropouts who:
Live in the suburbs of Palookaville;
Read the National Enquirer and some fake news site that blames Obama for America's problems;
Watch Fox News, Maury, Jerry Springer and NASCAR;
Either work part-time at McDonald's or fake illness for a monthly check from the government;
Use bad grammar and frequent f-words on social media - then call other people idiots;
Pop out future McDonald's workers, carnies, pole and lap dancers, baby mamas and daddies, and other useless people; and
Often have a trailer full of kids with different fathers.

Trumpanzees are also known for their low IQs, almost laughable devotion to God, and getting their 15 minutes of fame on the People of Walmart website wearing either ridiculous clothes or nothing at all.
Somebody needs to build a wall around that trailer park outside town. Those Trumpanzees are a bigger threat to America than those Mexicans that the fat orange orangutan in Washington keeps talking about.
by The Real Canadian May 4, 2017
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An indicted, shit-for-brains former US President with a grotesque orange hue. He is the laughingstock of world politics, shunned by every living former President for obvious reasons.
Tang Poo thinks he’s God’s gift to the White House, but he’s been indicted six times and counting already. You can’t run a country from the federal lockup.
by The Real Canadian September 5, 2023
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An overpaid, creepy-looking douchebag who got away with trapping underlings in his office - until one of them helped send him on his permanent vacation. Probably the most unlikable morning show host in the history of television.
I don’t know how that disgusting Matt Lauer got this far in life. Just the thought of him pulling out his pecker makes me lose my appetite.
by The Real Canadian April 14, 2021
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Donald Trump's newest nickname, IQ45 is the combination of his ranking among American presidents and his supposed IQ - which is much too low to run a McDonald's let alone a country.
Most other American presidents could read a real newspaper; IQ45 could barely read The National Enquirer and would watch Fox News - they tell him exactly what he wants to hear.
by The Real Canadian January 20, 2019
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An ape-like swamp creature who is another embarrassment to American politics, this Republicunt makes Lauren Boebert look sane by comparison - and, that’s not saying much. Also known as MTG, “it” is a MAGAt conspiracy theorist that fell into that QAnon rabbit hole long ago, landing head first.
If Trump ever picks Marjorie Taylor Greene as his running mate for the 2024 Presidential Election, then God help America.
by The Real Canadian April 28, 2023
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Nickname for Lauren Boebert, a Republican member of Congress whose brainpower rivals Sarah Palin’s - and, that’s not saying much.
BoBo got kicked out of the theatre for fooling around during Beetlejuice. She even vaped in front of a pregnant woman and recorded the show, ignoring copyright laws. Blockhead!
by The Real Canadian October 18, 2023
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The outgoing British Prime Minister with a bad haircut and worse face, he’s another person who has made populism a dirty word.
Boris Johnson couldn’t handle his Parliament much less his own affairs. While everyone else had to cut back on parties and other get-togethers a few years ago, he had to turn Number 10 Downing Street into a nightclub.
by The Real Canadian July 7, 2022
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