20 definitions by The KiNG

Someone who constantly lives in their own dilusional bubble. They always harp on about pulling "fitties" ALL the time; "riding ALL night long" and having great "footballing vision/skills". Realistically everyone knows a dilusionist's life is duller than an old grannies' haemorrhoid infected ass, but unfortunately they will never realise this!!
My mate told me he pulled a northern fitty at the weekend and ended up riding her all night long. What he didn't realise is that i saw the hairy munter leaving his house the next day and she said he fell asleep after spurting in his boxers......the man's a f*cking dilusionist!!
by The KiNG October 16, 2003
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of Friar like proportions; from the gothic regions of Tasmania, a herbalist and an adept dwarf like species of primate noted for voyeuristic tendencies and panty sniffing.

Famous for its untamed laughter and unabashed exberance. A quick judge of character and an intelligent and trustworthy friend.

Not to be mistaken with fried oyster gnat pate similar to the rillettes du Mans from the Southern Seychelles region of Kazakhstan.

A species of Needra/Camel Hybrid known for its staunch opposition to labour and its penchant for gluttony.

also utilised in the characterisation of a 'fucking Harrison' in the term, 'fucking harrison'.....

a person seeking employment at a pre-school for the mute

a cup which is 3/4's empty and full of a salt like substance the owner claims is a condiment
set in southern Portugal before legislative reforms incorporating the concept of statutory rape...

Granton: 'hello child... come hither...'
child: you deadbeat?? y aren't you at work.... my dad has to till the King's fifedom to subsidise people like you
Granton: my child.. i am a learned scholar specialising in the anatomy of smal primates.... plus i have some assorted lollies...
Child: in that case
Granton: (smiling)......

a little bit later....
kiddies in play -fife: 'why are you limping Tommy'? (aka.. the child)
Child: shutup you serfs!!! (thinking of a happy place)....
by The KiNG April 26, 2005
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People either have nice straight teeth or crooked never touched by a dentist teeth. People with crooked, snagletooth ugly mutherfucken teeth have shit teeth.
I was sitting beside this guy on the BUS and man he had shit teeth.
by The KiNG March 1, 2005
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To have KungfuManchu is to suffer from Crotch Rats.
Man Pookey over there got a bad case of KungFuManchu!
by The KiNG June 19, 2003
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1) Opening in the nose that varies in size and shape from person to person. Used for sniffing, breathing and smelling.
How you finger gets into your nose.
by The KiNG November 19, 2003
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