9 definitions by The Bad Guy

The belief that you know more about science than an actual scientist.
I think creationism is a fact and evolution is JUST A THEORY. Kind of like how the Sears tower is JUST a little bigger than a phone booth.
by The Bad Guy February 4, 2007
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The most accurate depiction of the American lifestyle, which includes consuming, yelling, flashy lights, and idolizing overpaid mongoloids who contribute nothing to society. All while ignoring important issues in the world around them.

The event lasts approximately 17 hours: 14 of which is devoted to advertising products that nobody needs, and the rest is allotted for performances by bland, overhyped pop stars with next to no talent.

There is no actual game played during this event. You see athletes performing tasks such as running, but only about every 5 minutes and it's only for about 4 seconds at a time, then they stop what they are doing and go to commercial.

The truth is that nobody really likes the super bowl. The only reason one would watch this event is because everyone else is watching it, and humans have this psychological need for group solidarity, no matter what bland, inane activity that group happens to be devoted to.

Watching the super bowl (or any sporting event) is like going to church: it's boring, it's repetitive, you can't distinguish one session from another, you don't really know why you're there, and you get nothing out of it in the end. You only do it because you feel as though you are supposed to.
Jackass: Hey, you gonna watch the super bowl this weekend?
Me: No, I'd rather do something fun or interesting.
by The Bad Guy February 4, 2007
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