2 definitions by The Amur Leopard

A contemporary economic theory founded originally in 2004 by Oprah Winfrey and popularised in early 2020 by the US government and its Federal Reserve Bank counterpart.

The main tenets of Oprahnomics include:

- Everyone gets a Bailout
- Helicopter Money
- Eternally Zero/Negative Interest Rate Policy
- Yield Curve Control

In this system the government must always maintain a steady growth of debt-to-GDP, increasing the the ratio by a minimum of 25% per annum. The central bank owns the majority of financial assets in circulation and has a dual mandate to:

1) Maximise stock market gains
2) Keep CPI below 3% to disguise asset price inflation

Wide-scale implementation of Oprahnomics began in the United States shortly after the outbreak of the deadly COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. It was realised when the predominant neo-Keynesian tendencies of central bank economists transitioned into full-fledged Oprahnomics in collaboration with Donald Trump's administration.

The biggest proponents of Oprahnomics today include the Fed, BoE, BoJ, ECB and their government counterparts. Oprahnomics has been described characteristically as a technocratic system composed of elements deriving from plutocracy and corporatism.
Example : Unemployment is at a historical high, but the dow is up 8%. That's simple Oprahnomics!
by The Amur Leopard April 25, 2020
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Low quality processed food-like products consumed by the masses. Usually high carbohydrate/high fat refined foods, mixed with cheap vegetable oils and fillers.
Example 1.

Friend: Hey Jenny, do you want fries with your steak?

Jenny: No thanks, I don't eat fiat food.

Example 2.

"Brian is fat because all he eats is fiat food. He needs to lay off the carbs and eat some steak".
by The Amur Leopard June 29, 2019
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